Spontaneous Abortion and Pregnancy Loss in Dogs
Spontaneous abortion or miscarriage in dogs can occur due to various medical reasons. It’s crucial for dog owners to understand that just like humans, dogs can also experience pregnancy loss or spontaneous abortion.
If a dog owner is contemplating aborting an unwanted pregnancy in their pet, it’s advisable to seek professional veterinary advice and assistance. This ensures a thorough evaluation of risks and potential side effects associated with the procedure.
In cases where the pregnancy is lost or spontaneously aborted, it’s important to have your dog evaluated and monitored by a veterinarian. This is because there could be underlying medical conditions contributing to the pregnancy loss. It’s worth noting that the conditions or diseases discussed in this medical article can affect both dogs and cats.
Symptoms and Types
If your dog has undergone a miscarriage, one of the most prevalent signs you might observe is abnormal vaginal bleeding; occasionally, an expelled fetus may be discovered. A hormonal imbalance leading to fetal death is the primary cause of spontaneous abortion.
Following a planned abortion, bleeding is the most typical symptom post-procedure. It’s essential to keep a close watch on your dog to promptly address any side effects or health-related concerns.
Several common causes of spontaneous abortions in dogs include:
- B. Canis: This bacterium is highly prevalent among kenneled dogs and easily transmissible. It results in both stillbirths and conception failures. Symptoms typically include prolonged vaginal discharge, and complications such as arthritis (spondylitis) and inflammation of the eye (uveitis) can occur. Dogs may also exhibit bacteremia for up to 18 months following a spontaneous abortion.
- Mycotic Abortion: This fungus often causes excessive bleeding in the uterus, leading to aborted fetuses.
- Fetal Death: Hormonal imbalances in the dog can result in fetal death, leading to either stillbirths or spontaneous abortions.
- Neospora Caninum: This parasite is commonly found in dogs and can be transmitted through ingestion of contaminated water, food, feces, or infected animal flesh.
Routine blood tests are effective in identifying the presence of parasites or B. Canis. If the miscarriage is attributed to another cause, an abnormal discharge may be evident. Veterinarians can employ ultrasound to confirm a viable pregnancy or examine any retained pregnancy matter in the dog’s uterus after a miscarriage or termination. In some cases, the dog’s uterus may struggle to expel all pregnancy materials effectively, such as placental tissue, potentially leading to infection or internal hemorrhaging.
In cases where dogs have undergone a spontaneous abortion caused by bacteria or parasites, a veterinarian will diagnose the condition and provide various medical treatment options. Additionally, close monitoring of the dog for signs of a potentially serious medical condition is essential.
Living and Management
After a miscarriage, dogs may experience discomfort and/or exhibit vaginal bleeding or abnormal discharge. In some instances, long-term bacterial issues may occur. Pet owners should diligently observe their dog’s behavior to prevent the development of any serious problems arising from the miscarriage.